Widget Connector | ||||||
This tutorial demonstrates how to add a new master item. A new master item is a completely new item in the inventory. All the specifications related to the new master item will be discussed in this section.
There are 2 primary ways to create a new master item.
1. Navigate to Inventory > Receive Inventory.
2. Enter the model name in the Model text entry box. In this example, the model name SR1GA is used.
If the item exists, you will find a drop down list to select the item. If it does not exist, there will be no option for selection. When you click off the field of focus, the message box informing you that this model is not found and asking your preference to add it now will be displayed.
3. Click Yes if you want to add it to the system or click No if you want to make modification in the Model field again.
Click () button to add a new master item.
The New Master Item dialog will be displayed.
4. Provide the following information of the master item:
Field | Description | Example Value |
Item Number | Refers to the item number. It is the identification number of the master item. | SR1GA |
Manufacturer | Refers to the name of the manufacturer. This is the name of the manufacturer of the master item. | UNTER-TEL |
Type | Refers to the type of the master item. It specifies what type the master item is. | Inventory |
eBay Category | Refers to the category of the eBay. It specifies to which type of eBay category the master item belongs to. You can also use the Get Suggested button to automatically fill this field with suggested category. | 11908 - Phone Switching Systems, PBXs |
Master Item Title | Refers to the title of the master item. A master item is recognized by its title. | INTER-TEL SR1GA |
Tags | Refers to the tags for the master item. Tags are code words linked to search the particular master item. |
Dimensions L x W x H (in inches) | Refers to the dimensions that is length*width*height of the master item in inches. From here, you can fill in the Size/Weight sections with necessary dimensions of the master item. | 1X1X0.3 |
Weight | Refers to the weight of the master item. | 0.0X1 |
Scroll down for more options.
5. In the Categories section, you can categorize the product. Select the category of the item.
6. Click OK.
The new master item will be added to the system.
You can also add an item even from the Master Items module.
7. Navigate to Inventory > Master Items.
The Master Items page will be displayed.
8. Click Add.
The New Master Item page will be displayed.
You can manually enter the model number of your choice for the item and you go through the same steps of assigning a manufacturer, providing size and weight and selecting the category for the item.
The new master item will be added.