Assign a BOM (Bill of Materials) to a Master Item
This tutorial shows you how to assign a Bill of Material BOM to a Master Item so you can later break down an item into parts from the BOM.
1. Navigate to Inventory > Master Items.
The list of Master Items in the system will be displayed.
From here, we are going to look up the master items that we want to assign the list of materials to. This is useful for laptops and desktops so that you can have a list of motherboard, CPU, RAM that are already in them, that can be easily pulled out in to the system.
2. Search for an item Latitude E6410 by entering in the Search text entry box.
You can see that there are a couple of different things here that have Latitude E6410 in them such as screens, mother boards.
3. In the example here, we are going to select the base item,Latitude E6410, and click Edit.
The Update Master item dialog will be displayed.
4. Navigate to BOM tab.
From here, you can see several different items that are under the item as a BOM.These are items that are already in the system that could be pulled out of it. You can add a few more here. There is a particular CPU that can come out of these.
5. In the example here, SLBNB (HP) is selected and click Add.
The new item will be added.
6. The newly added item will now be searchable as a SLBNB in the Search field.
The search result will be displayed.
7. You can add another item,like a mother board, DELL-GX270-MOTHERBOARD (DELL) and click Add.
One more new item will be added.
8. The newly added item will now be searchable as a DELL-GX270-MOTHERBOARD in the Search field.
The search result will be displayed.
9. Navigate to Inventory > Receive Inventory.
10. Check the box and select the E6410 from the list.
11. Click Break Down/ Tear Down.
The Break Down dialog will be displayed.
From here, you can view the list of all items that can be pulled out of the laptop that we have just selected. The two things that we have just added,SLBNB and DELL-GX270-MOTHERBOARD, are also displayed.
So, in the future when one of these laptops comes in, it can be received in your inventory. One of your people can select to break the item down and these items would now be available as predetermined breakdown items from this master item.