Create an Ebay Sandbox User
This tutorial shows you how to create an Ebay sandbox account.
The reason it is a good idea to create an Ebay sandbox user is so you can tie the user to your Magento site and then push the product to a sandbox to get familiar with the process without affecting your Ebay production account.
1. Go to Google, type in Ebay sandbox.
Look for the link that says Developer Sandbox
2. Click on that link.
You are brought to the Developer Sandbox page.
3. Scroll down and click Create a Sandbox User.
If you are not already a member of the developers program, you will have to jointhat developers program.
4. To do so, click Join Now.
Fill in the required information.
Once you finish filling up the form, scroll to the bottom and enter the CAPTCHA.
5. Click Join Now.
You will get an email confirming your receipt.
6. Go to your email.
An email as shown above will be received by you.
7. To activate your account, click the hyperlink that says Click here.
Now it’s time to set up the sandbox user.Go to the main page.
8. Click Create a Sandbox User.
You will already be signed into the developer’s program.
9. Create your user.
You can see that every user name starts with test user in caps with an underscore and then with an option to enter your own user name.
In the example here, RAZORERP3 is used.
10. Type in your password and email address, the country of origin.
11. Specify whether you are a buyer or seller.
12. Leave the feedback score as it is and enter the registration date.
It is better to move the registration date as early as possible.
13. Click Create User.
You can now use this user to set up a Sandbox Ebay account on the Magenta store to push products to the Sandbox Ebay rather than affecting it on the live production Ebay account.