How to Qualify a Unique Item (Step 2 of 2)

In the previous step we added a new and unique item into our inventory via an Audit and sent it to Resale. In this tutorial we are gonig to Qualify the item so that it can be sold via the resale channels.

  • To find the item that was added via the Audit, go to Inventory > Items to Qualify. Since we just added our printer in the previous tutorial, it is at the top of the list, but you can always find it by looking up the Serial Number or UID.

  • Double click the located item to open a Qualify Item screen. The details that were entered during the Audit will be present, and you will want to enter the price, update the title, and set up the description.

  • Once you enter, edit and verify that all of the information is correct, navigate to the Images section at the top left. In this step, you will be able to drag and drop any number of image files for the item. The system will automatically resize the images and you will have the options to rotate them, as well as set the first image in the gallery.

  • Once you are satisfied with the images and the information in the Qualify Item section, click the Qualify button. Your item is now qualified and can be found in the Inventory > Qualified Items page.


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