Create a New User

You can create new users with login credentials so that they can log into the RazorERP application. Control the activity of users by assigning specific security roles to them.  

To create a new user, follow the steps given below.

  1. Navigate to Settings > System Settings.

The Admin page will be displayed. 

2.  Select Users in the Administration section.  The Users page will be displayed.

3.  To create a new user, click Add.  The Create User dialog will be displayed.

4.  Provide the following basic information of the user:



Example Value

User Name

Refers to the user name with which the user can access the Razor ERP application.


Full Name

Refers to the full name including first and last names.

John Smith

Start Page

Refers to the page that shows up when the User logs in. Select the Inventory option in order to land in the Inventory page after login. Similarly, you can select Sales Order to land in Sales Order page after login.

Sales Orders

Job Title

Refers to the job title of the user.


Primary Email

Refers to the primary email address of the user.

Secondary Email

Refers to the secondary email address of the user.

Main Phone

Refers to the main phone number of the user.


Mobile Phone

Refers to the mobile phone number of the user.


Refers to the manager whom the User will report to. Select the manager.


Home Phone

Refers to the home phone number of the user.

Time Zone

Refers to the region that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes of the user.

(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West

Other Phone

Refers to the other phone number of the user.


Refers to the fax number of the user.


Refers to whether this user is active or not.



Refers to the warehouse locations to which the user is allowed to access to. If the user is allowed to access only California Warehouse, then select the Location as California Warehouse. Multiple options can be selected. For example, the user can be given access to several locations by selecting California Warehouse, Canada Warehouse and North Carolina Warehouse.

Philadelphia Warehouse, North Carolina Warehouse

Default Location

It is important to set the default location. Default location will default all the locations to this location.

Philadelphia Warehouse

5.  Navigate to Security Roles.  The Security Roles section will be displayed. 


6.  From here, you can assign roles to the user. The types of users can be configured. Typically a security role defines what the user restrictions are and what he/she will be allowed to access. If Admin and Warehouse Manager are selected together, the Admin will supersede all the roles of Warehouse Manager. The user will inherit all the Warehouse Manager roles and the Admin roles.

7.  Navigate to Email Settings.  The Email Settings section will be displayed. 

8.  To use company's global settings, leave the Email Settings page with default settings. In order to have this user send and receive emails through his own individual email settings, check the box in the Use Personal Settings field.

9.  Configure the following settings for the user:



Example Value


Refers to the SMTP and IMAP settings.


Refers to the port number.


Sender Address

Refers to the email address used by the user to send email.

Enable SSL

Specifies whether or not SSL is enabled or disabled.



Refers to the type of the authentication. The available options are Anonymous, Basic and NTLM.


User Name

Refers to the user name with which the user can login.


Refers to the password for the user.

10.  Once all the required information is provided, click Save.  The message box informing you that the user has been saved will be displayed. 

11.  Click OK.  Now this user is created and an email will be sent to the user's personal email id as set in the Primary Email field.


12.  You can update the user's password anytime. On the Users' page, click and select the user to edit the password. Click Edit.  The Edit User dialog will be displayed.


13.  In the Contact section, enter the new password in the New Password text entry box.

14.  Re-enter the password for confirmation in the Confirm Password text entry box.

15.  Click Change Password.The user will receive an email about the change of password.