Improvements to the RMA process
Improvements to the RMA process
We made a bunch of improvements to the RMA generation wizard.
- Add a dropdown so the user can mass select and apply the return reason.
- If the generator chooses "no email", step two still forces the user to add an email (remove if condition equals no email).
- Move the verify button to the left as this is the most important button and rename it to Receive RMA.
- Add a field so the user can scan a serial to verify for faster, more accurate data entry.
- Once a user goes to returns and beings receiving in an RMA, step 2 "Itms Disposition" step should allow the user to select a workflow the item should go to (repair, parts harvest, etc).
- Add numbers in the RMA tab so a user can see if there are items that need to be closed.
- Rename the last button to say close RMA.
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