Generate the Transaction Reports to Track Employee Productivity

This tutorial shows you how to use the transaction reports and track the employee productivity.

1.  Navigate to Reports>Reports.

The Reports page will be displayed.

2.  Select Transaction View from the Report Module field.

The Transaction View section will be displayed.

3.  Select the date range of transactions from the Date Range drop down list.

In this example, This Month date range have been selected.

4.  Click APPLY.

The transactions related to this particular date range will be displayed.

5.  Click XLS.

The transactions for the selected month will be downloaded in the excel format.

6.  Click Transition Time field.

7.  Navigate to Insert tab.

8.  Click Pivot Table.

The Create Pivot Table dialog will be displayed.

9.  Click OK.

10.  Drag the fields that you wish to add to the reports from the Pivot Table Fields section and drop them to the specific areas. The available areas are Filters, Columns, Rows and Values.

In this example, User and Action fields are placed under ROWS section and Course of Actions under VALUES section.

You can view that the list of users and their total number of actions performed for the individual action in the excel sheet.

The transaction reports to track employee productivity will be generated.