Generate an Outbound Loading Report

This tutorial will show you how to generate a loading report after loading an outbound order to the truck.

1.  Navigate to Recycling>Outbound Orders.

The Outbound Orders page will be displayed.

2.  Navigate to Partially Loaded tab.

3.  Select the order that for which you wish to generate the report.


The Reporting Station dialog will be displayed.

5.  Select the type of report to download or print or preview in the Reports section. The available options are Loading Report, Loading Summary Report, Bill of Lading and Picture Report.

In this example, Loading Report and Loading Summary Report are selected.

6.  Click Download.

The Outbound Report will be downloaded in the PDF format.

The Outbound Report contains the details of the product such as product name, LOT ID, Packaging, Unit Count, Gross Weight, Tare Weight and Net weight.

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