
Creating an Account - Primary Details

There are navigation tabs on the left that make up the account.

  A.  Fill in the Primary Contact details.

  B. Click Address Details.

  C. Click Add () in Invoice/Bill To and Ship To fields to add respective addresses. 

 The Create Address dialog will be displayed.

You can also add warehouses in the Linked Warehouses field at the bottom.

  D.  Click OK.

The INVOICE/BILL TO address is created.

The new invoice/bill to address created is displayed in the Primary Contact page.

  E.  You can add the Ship To address to the system or you can copy the bill address to the Ship To address by clicking the Copy button.

  F.  Add tags in the system setup in the Tags field at the bottom. Select the tags that are relevant to a specific customer.

  G. Once the account details are provided, click Save.

 Note:  You can click Save & Exit button to save the shipping account details and exit. The shipping account details will be saved and you will exit from the account. If you click Save button, you can still be in the same account and continue editing information in other sections.