Create an Account

This tutorial shows you how to create an account in the CRM.

1.  Navigate to CRM>Accounts.

The Accounts page will be displayed.

2.  Click New.

The Create an Account dialog will be displayed.

The dialog contains fields for primary details to be entered.

Note: Every time you schedule a sales order or a recycling order, it always going to default to the REP. You can change this at the order-level.

There are navigation tabs on the left that make up the account.

  A.  Fill in the Primary Contact details.

  B. Click Address Details.

  C. Click Add () in Invoice/Bill To and Ship To fields to add respective addresses. 

 The Create Address dialog will be displayed.

You can also add warehouses in the Linked Warehouses field at the bottom.

  D.  Click OK.

The INVOICE/BILL TO address is created.

The new invoice/bill to address created is displayed in the Primary Contact page.

  E.  You can add the Ship To address to the system or you can copy the bill address to the Ship To address by clicking the Copy button.

  F.  Add tags in the system setup in the Tags field at the bottom. Select the tags that are relevant to a specific customer.

  G. Once the account details are provided, click Save.

 Note:  You can click Save & Exit button to save the shipping account details and exit. The shipping account details will be saved and you will exit from the account. If you click Save button, you can still be in the same account and continue editing information in other sections.

3.  Navigate to Shipping Accounts.

This section allows you to assign the FedEx number to the account. FedEx number allows you to link the customer’s shipping account number to the customer’s account. The account details are automatically saved.

  A.  Add in the default FEDEX Account No, UPS number and USPS number. If you add this account number at the shipping stage when you fill the sales order, you can choose Recipient Billing and tie in the customer’s FedEX account number.

  B.  Once the account details are provided, click Save.

 4.  Navigate to Contacts tab.

  A.  From here, you can add as many contacts as needed by clicking the Create button.

The Create Contact dialog will be displayed.

  B.  Provide contact details to create new contact.

  C.  Once done, click OK.

 5.  Navigate to Addresses tab.

  A.  To add more address, click Create.

 The Create Address dialog will be displayed.

   B.  Specify whether or not the address type is primary Ship to, Bill to or Other address by selecting the required option from the Address Type drop down list.

   C.  Change the Is Main by selecting it and it is going to overwrite if you have a primary ship to or primary bill to addresses.

   D.  You can also link contacts and warehouses.

6.  Navigate to Activity tab.

The Activity tab is a bird’s eye view of all the activity in the system. Once you start generating some activity with a particular customer, whether it is creating or cycling orders, sales orders, purchase orders, invoices, all these activities can be collected.

   A.  Select the required activity from the Activity drop down list. The available options are Sales Orders, Invoices, Purchase Orders, RMA, Recycling Orders and Payments.

   B.  Edit the activity details in the required fields. Click Save.

 7.  Navigate to Quotes tab.

From here, you can see all outstanding quotes or pending quotes for this customer.

  A.  You can create a quote simply by clicking the Create button.

 The Create Quote/Order for the particular account dialog will be displayed.

  B.  Provide quote details and start generating recycling quote.

  C.  Once done, click Create a Quote.

 8.  Navigate to DSVs tab.

The DSV stands for downstream vendors so if you are adding a vendor into the system.

  A.  Store their paperwork like their certifications by clicking the Create button.

 The Create DSVs dialog will be displayed.

  B.  Provide the certificate details in the fields and click OK.

 The new DSV information is displayed in the DSVs page.

9.  Navigate to Tax tab.

   A.  Edit tax details for the account.

   B.  Check the Apply Tax checkbox.

   C.  Click Save.

 10.  Navigate to Notifications tab.

Notifications refers to internal notifications only. You can set up notifications sets in system settings.

   A.  Select the type of notification set that applies, click it and the customer will be tied to the notification set.

Note: This is only internal notifications so only your team will oversee notifications for activity on this customer. At this point there is no external notification in razor from the dropdown list.

  B.  After changing the notification details, click Save.

 11.  Navigate to File Upload tab.

The File Upload tab allows you to store any details about the customer in various formats like PDF, Excel document, Word document, a contract, etc. You can store all that information here.

   A.  Click Add files and select the file from computer to upload.

   B.  Click Save.

 12.  Navigate to Communications tab.

The Communications section displays all the conversations that a user has had with the admin or other users. As an administrator, comments can be edited or deleted.

   A.  Type in the comment in the comment box and click Comment. It shows the detail of when the comment was added.

   B.  To save the conversations, click Save.

 13.  Navigate to Contracts tab.

This tab is for setting up any contracts in the system associated to a specific customer. You need to do this under the Recycling Contract Management tab. Once you create a contract and assign it to a customer, it is going to appear here. Razor has a way of managing contracts and discrepancies based on the contract. You can view the list of all the contracts in this tab.

  A.  Search the contract based on the expiry date. You can also search the contract between the specific expiry dates.

  B.  Select the type of contract expiry date from the drop down list.

  C.  Specify the expiry dates between which the contracts has to be displayed in the expiry date field and click Apply.

  D.  Click () to delete the expiry dates entered in the expiry date field.

14.  Navigate to Client Portal tab.

In this section, the customer web portal details are displayed. If you want a customer to have access to a client portal, then you must enable the option.

  A.  To enable the account’s client portal access, check the box in the Enable this Account’s Client Portal Access field.

Log-in credentials like username and password have to be validated. A welcome email will be sent to the user with the portal URL to login and password.

  B.  The admin can send welcome email to a particular client by clicking on the Send Welcome Email () button.

  C.  You can also choose which of the reports from among the following are visible to the client under Report Visibility.

  • Settlement Report
  • Settlement Summary
  • Picture Report
  • Certificate of Recycling
  • AP Invoice / AR Invoice
  • Audit Report

Those reports that are selected by checking the checkbox can be pulled out as reports by the client from this portal.

  D.  In the Financial Visibility section, administrator can allow customers to see the following financial information in the client portal, by checking in the checkbox of the particular financial information type.

  • Open Invoices block
  • Open Balance block
  • Order Payment Status column

Checking these boxes ensures that all customers can see these reports. Those customers that have not used the making payments and receiving payments options in Razor, may find the reports to be confusing if they are found in Client Portal.

15.  Click Save and Exit.

The new customer has now been created and any specific customer account can be searched in the search option at the top.

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