How to use the Part Harvesting in Audits

In RazorERP, identifying, adding and removing parts from a Parent Item have never been easier!

In this tutorial, let us walk you through the Part Harvesting function on the Audit Orders page.

  • Go to the Inventory Detail page under Recycling to see the Audit Workflow. Select an item, then go to the Audit Order screen. (click here to know how)


  • It should take you to the Audit Screen which would look like this.


  • Enter the details of the Received Item (Parent Item) in the Audit Order Screen.


  • Once the details have been entered, click Add.


  • After the details have been added, select by ticking the check box on the item from the grid below.


  • Click Remove Parts and this would take you to the Remove Parts Mode.

    << Remove Parts Mode is seen below >>


  • Enter the details of the Child Part that you wanted to track then click Add once done.

    << Data Collection >>

    << Data Erasure >>


  • Once added, the details should appear on the Grid below (within the Remove Parts Mode).


  • You can also see the Parent Part ID from this Grid as well. This should help you track the Parent-Child Relationship of the parts. Clicking the Parent UID number should also show you the details of the Parent Item.

    << Parent Item details, upon clicking the Parent UID Number from the Grid below >>


  • You can also add Multiple items on the Grid.


  • Once all Parent and Child items have been entered, click the End Remove button on the top-right corner of the Remove Item Mode screen. Upon clicking this button, it should bring you back to the Audit Order Screen.


To view the Parts Harvested from a Parent Item, follow the instructions below:

  • Search for the UID (or any identifier) of the item using the below Grid.


  • Select the item.


  • Click Part Harvest from the left pane and it should show you the parts that were removed from this Parent Item. You can also Delete child assets from this page, just click the Delete button on the asset you want to remove.


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