Add Attachment Upload Box to Receive Inventory

This tutorial shows you how to add an attachment attribute to Receive Inventory that allows you to upload files to parts.

1.  Navigate to Inventory>Receive Inventory.

The Receive Inventory page will be displayed.

You can view that the upload feature is not available now.

2.  Navigate to Settings>System Settings.

The Admin Screen page will be displayed.

3.  Navigate to INVENTORY ATTRIBUTES tab in the ADMINISTRATION section.

The Inventory Attributes page will be displayed.

4.  Navigate to Attribute Sets tab.

5.  Select the attribute set from the Attribute Set drop down list.

6.  Check the box for Enabled option in the File Upload field.


8.  Refresh the Receive Inventory page.

You can view that the new attribute upload file will be displayed.

9.  Drag and drop the files to upload in the Upload field.

The files will be uploaded successfully.