Create a New Sales Quote

Create a New Sales Quote

This product tutorial shows you how to create a new sales quote in RazorERP.

1. Navigate to Sales > Create a Sales Quotes


Navigate to Sales > Sales Quote

The Sales Quote page will be displayed.

2. Click New

The message box asking you to confirm the opening of blank sales quote will be displayed.

3. Click Yes

The Sales Quote will be displayed in edit mode.

4. Select the name of the customer from the Customer drop down list.

5. Set the probability of sales to go through in the Probability field. In this example here, 75 is entered. 

Note: It is between 0 to 100%. If you put 9000, it would automatically drop down to 100.

6. Select the purchase time frame from the Purchase Time Frame drop down list. The available options are Immediate, This Quarter, Next Year, This Year and Unknown. In this example, time frame is set as Unknown.

7. Select the warehouse from the Warehouse drop down list. In this example, Philadelphia is selected.

8. In the Items section, select any item to be quoted in this sales quote.

9. Select Placeholder as the Item Number from the drop down list.

10. Select Condition as Used from the drop down list.

11. Enter quantity as 2.

12. Enter Price as $35.

13. Click Add () to add new item. 

In this example, we have 1/1 to allocate with 6 available in the system.

14. Select SKU as 48 from the drop down list.

15. The Item Number field will be automatically populated as DELL OPTIPLEX 745 DE.

16. The MFG field is automatically populated as DELL.

17. The Condition field is automatically populated as Used.

18. Enter the quantity as 10 in the QTY field.

19. Enter the price as $79 in the Price field.

20. Click Add () to add a new item. 

You see that there are 6 of these available in the system.

21. Enter the comments that must go with this order in the Comments text entry box.

22. Enter the internal comments in the Internal Comments text entry box.

23. Click on Print/Download to print the quote or download in PDF format. 

The Reporting Station dialog will be displayed.

24. In the Reports field, Quotation is automatically selected.

25. To print the report, click Print.

26. To download and save it to computer, click Download

The quote will be downloaded to your computer in PDF format.

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